“You can discover more about a person by playing games for an hour than you can discover by talking to them for a year.” Plato.
Did you know that before we even spoke, we only communicated by playing games? These ‘Playful Humans’, called Homo-Ludens, survived by playing games, told their thoughts and conveyed their ideas. (Joan Huizinga, Homo Ludens)

That’s why we’ve been hearing the word ‘Gamification’ so much lately. Gamification; It brings to light a method that we all know very well, but forget over time, such as working like a game, being involved in an education process like playing a game, or even living like playing a game.

Gamification literally means the use of game philosophy, game thinking and game mechanics in non-game areas to increase motivation and encourage users to solve problems. (Ercan Altuğ Yılmaz, Gamification)

You can use the Gamification method, which includes 25% Technology and 75% Psychology, in almost every business line. While the technique will be the same every time, the tools you will use will vary according to your audience.

Before starting gamification:
1. You must have a goal
2. If you have selected more than one target, positioning them in order of importance will allow you and your players to adapt faster and easier.
3. Identifying your audience
4. Getting to know your audience; One of the purposes of gamification is to help you get to know your audience in the process. However, for the beginning, knowing the audience a little bit will speed you up.

Gamification is not something that is finished once done. With gamification, you can get very little efficiency in the short run, the main thing is to create permanent behavior change in the long run.
For this reason, you can easily use gamification in the open field. Some of those:
• Sales
• Education
• Human Resources
• Health
• Advertisement
• Public relations
• Entertainment
• Tourism

Gamification is used in many different areas such as For more information about gamification, you can contact us or continue to follow our blog.

Imona Team